Away We Stray started as a simple travel blog by me, Cassy Myers. At the time, I believed that I was set upon this earth to explore, and I wanted to share my experiences of travel with my friends and followers so that they might travel easier.
Over the years, I have shed my identity as a “travel blogger” and discovered a more meaningful existence. Through this change, my blog’s purpose has morphed to align with my core values of graceful, sustainable, low impact living and the spread of love and understanding through cultural awareness. Guided by my travels, I have experienced spiritual awakening, and realized that my dharma is to educate and spread a message of love.
Away We Stray is now a spirituality and ethically focused travel blog that strives to help others expand knowledge of their inner and outer worlds.
Away We Stray’s Message

Away We Stray’s purpose is to spread a simple message:
Love the Earth, and Love Yourself.

I aim to help others explore and experience our Natures, both the collective inner and outer. I find great motivation to share my path as I explore deeper spaces of consciousness and unfamiliar cultures. I believe that we are all striving to know Love, and I wish to help share my experience of appreciation for each other and our Mother Nature.
How can we Love the Earth?
By learning ways to live a more gentler, low impact existence, we can love our planet and keep her green for generations to come. Though I am in no way an expert, I am extremely passionate about environmental sustainability and wish to share any knowledge that comes my way.
It is my hope that I might inspire others to live more sustainably so that we can all share in Gaia’s radiance for generations.
Spreading Sustainability through Lifestyle Blogging
I publish articles about sustainable businesses and programs you can support while traveling, as well as ways to reduce your consumptions through living a lower-impact or even Zero Waste Lifestyle.
The most eco-friendly and sustainable diet on the planet is Veganism. Did you know that you can cut your carbon footprint in half by adopting a cruelty-free lifestyle and going vegan? I love sharing this message and do my best to publish extensive vegan city and country guides.
What Do I mean by “Loving Yourself”?
I believe we are living in an age of awakening. There are ‘woke folx’ everywhere. Though we are all connecting with each other at the level of consciousness each has reached, I’ve learned boundless information about myself through understanding others. This consciousness can be reached by exploring inwardly as well. Just as we have tools like google maps to explore the workings of foreign cities, I want to share tools to explore the roadmap of yourself.
I blog about spirituality and spiritual awakening to help inspire others to reach their life’s purpose, or dharma. It is my hope that by sharing my messages of vulnerability and authenticity, I can help others and help our planet. It is so important to spread messages of love in this world, which can be so harsh sometimes.

By exploring different cultures, we can experience new facets of our collective conscious. By exploring ourselves, we can also tap into our inner world, which is just as expansive as Mother Nature.
Welcome to Away We Stray! Please feel free to connect with me if you want to work together, meet up, or just to chat.