Though wildly different philosophies, both Yoga and Astrology are fundamentally similar at their cores: they both offer a system to learn more about yourself and the world. Each astrological (zodiac) sign represents a part of the body and organs that it rules over. In ancient Vedic science (Ayurveda), it’s believed that emotions are stored in the body, and the mind and body are connected. Yoga poses may tap into different parts of you, depending on what your sign dictates about your personality, struggles, and needs.
The type of yoga that is most familiar to westerners, the kind that uses asanas (physical poses), is sometimes referred to as Hatha. Ha is sun, and Tha is moon. In astrology, there are twelve sun signsassociated to our personalities, character traits, inclinations, and dominant body structures.
Yoga-strology looks through the lens of your zodiac sign, using yoga asanas to strengthen them.
Aries (March 21-April 20)
Governs the Head (face, brain)
Aries is the first of the 12 signs, the “head” of the zodiac, and a fire sign. Aries governs the head and the brain. Usually having a “head strong” energy from ruling planet Mars means that you are a “warrior” in all accounts. Though Aries is known for being action-oriented, they might be frequent to move on to new territory (low stamina). The best yoga pose would include:
- Virabhadrasana, or Warrior pose, (of all types) which increases stamina.
- Sirsasana, or Headstand, to balance energy and literally turn your worldview upside-down to see the same things in a new way.
- Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutation, to connect with internal fire.

Taurus (April 21 — May 21)
Governs the Neck (Throat, Larynx)
Taurus, an earth element, governs the neck, larynx, throat, and is most connected to the throat chakra. Taurus has a very grounded energy and loves to appreciate the senses, which can lead into a workaholic lifestyle. Because of their fixed energy, Taurus has the ability to stay fixed and steady upon a goal. The best yoga poses to integrate are:
- Vrksasana, commonly known as Tree Pose, to radiate Earth energy
- Sukhasana, or Neck Rotations, to relax the neck and open up the root chakra
- Bitilasana, or Cow Pose, aptly named after the Taurus’ astrological totem, to honor Taurus’ slow and steady rhythm.
- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, or Bridge Pose, to activate more flexibility & strength of the heart.

Gemini (May 22- June 21)
Governs the Lungs (Arms, hands, fingers & pulmonary system)
Known as the “twins”, Gemini is the air sign that governs the lungs, hands, arms, and nervous system, which means that Geminis tend to hold tension in their shoulders. Gemini are the communicators of the Zodiac. Unfortunately, this also means that their minds are often flooded with too much chatter. Drawing attention to counting breaths can help keep the Gemini mind focused in the present moment while practicing these poses:
- Bjujangasana, or Cobra Pose, to counter the stress and tension in the shoulders
- Halasana, or Plow, to strengthen shoulders and open up the chest (lungs)
- Ustrasana, or Camel Pose, to connect with air energy (another chest-opener)
- Natarajasana, or Dancer Pose, to practice balance and discipline (hard for a Gemini, the jack-of-all-trades)

Cancer (June 22- July 22)
Governs Chest (Breast, Stomach)
Cancer’s element is water, and is responsible for the chest, breast, stomach and digestion. Cancers can be very intuitive, meaning that they can pick up on others emotions easily. This can cause Cancer to take on the other person’s emotional state, resulting in severe mood swings. Cancers are ruled by the energy of the Moon, and are innovators with great organization. They can benefit from:
- Ardha Chandrasana, or Half Moon Pose, which resonates with Cancers strongest energy, (moon)
- Pavanamuktasana, or Wind Removing Pose, which will aid in digestion and remove gas
- Eka Pada Rajakapotasan, or Pigeon Pose, to connect with the water element, which is associated with your sacral chakra (pelvic region)
- Uttanasana, or Forward Fold, which helps circulate energy to the stomach, and is a great pose to give gratitude to the self

Leo (July 23- Aug 21)
Governs Heart (Spine, Upper back)
This sign is ruled by the Fire element and Sun energy, but it governs the heart, spine, upper back and forearms. Leos are often born leaders, and usually are extroverts that are ambitious, courageous, and dominant. Yoga poses great for Leo are:
- Urdhva Hastasana, or Upward Salute, to connect with Sun Energy and build
- Matsyasana, or Fish Pose, to open the heart
- Surya Namaskar, or Sun Salutations, to radiate with Sun Energy
- Vyaghrasana, or Tiger Pose, to connect with fire element (also called “knee to nose”, it generates heat as you move through the asana)

Virgo (Aug 22 — Sept 23rd)
Governs Intestines (Pancreas)
Virgo (earth element) that rules the central nervous system, intestines, pancreas, and spleen. Virgos are known as the “hypochondriacs” of the zodiac sun signs. When out of balance, a Virgo might be a bit judgmental of others not living up to their standards. When in balance, a Virgo focuses on clean living and optimum health. Sometimes, an over active nervous system can lead to a need for restorative yoga positions.
- Viparita karani, Legs up the wall pose, to restore balance
- Corpse Pose (Savasana), to connect and ground with earth element
- utthita parsvakonasana, Side Angle Pose,
- Supta Jaṭhara Parivartānāsana, or Supine Spinal Twist is great for stimulatingthe abdominal muscles and intestines

Libra (Sept 24- Oct 23)
Governs Kidneys (Bladder)
When in Harmony, air element Libra shifts attention towards bringing health to relationships. Libra is in charge of the kidneys, bladder and lower back, and when in balance, hardly ever get sick. However, most Libras have a sweet tooth, and often have skin issues. They strive for balance and support, but might need a bit of help: Cue Yoga:
- Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, breathing technique for cleansing of nostrils, stale air. Restores balance within the body
- Ardha Matsyendrasana, or Seated Spinal Twist
- Virabhadrasana Two, or Warrior Pose 2
- Goddess Pose :: Utkata Konasana
- Cow/Cat Pose Bitilasana/Marjaryasana, to connect with air

Scorpio (Oct 24- Nov 22)
Governs the genitals (Pelvis, Colon, Urethra)
Scorpio, ruled by the water element, governs the genital zone, including the reproductive organs, pelvis, colon and urethra. Scorpio is the symbol of sex. Scorpios tend to be very intense and in tune with their intuition. When in balance, they tend to be in tune with deep desires, however, divergence can lead to resentment, jealousy, and other negative emotions. You can practice these yoga positions to help balance sensitive Scorpio:
- Mandukasana, or Frog Pose, to gently release hips and reconnect with water element
- Salamba Bhujangasana, or Sphinx Pose, to gently absorb Scorpio energy through the back
- Utkata Konasana, or Goddess Squat, to enhance the flow of prana energy
- Baddha Scandasana, or Bound Side Lunge, is great for grounding and opening the pelvis, releasing emotion stored there

Sagittarius (Nov 23- Dec 22)
Governs Hips (Thighs, Sacral Area)
Sagittarius is a fire element that governs the hips, thighs and sacral area. Fire signs have so much wonderful energy and vitality, and may have an easier time than other signs at fighting off illness, however should pay attention to introduce calming meditative habits (including yoga) into their daily lives. It is common for Sag’s to have hip or thigh ailments, and should thus stretch them properly. These yoga positions will help:
- Trikonasana, or Triangle Pose, to stimulates function of abdominal organs
- Parivrtta Anjaneyasana, or Revolved Lunge Pose, to ignite internal fire
- Eka Pada Rajakopotasana, King Pigeon Pose, to gently open the hips
- Ardha Matsyendrasana, Half Lord of the Fishes Pose, to connect with ____ energy

Capricorn (Dec 23- Jan 20)
Governs Teeth, (Bones, Kneecaps)
Earth element Capricorn rules over the knees, bones and teeth. Capricorn is the most reliable/stable signs of the Zodiac. Capricorns tend to be very independent, strong willed, and responsible, but opening up emotionally can be quite a challenge. Focusing on heart-opening positions is important for this sun sign, and Cap’s should integrate these positions:
- Eka Pada Rajakopotanasana, or King Pigeon Pose,
- Virabhadrasana, or Warrior 1, to connect to earth element
- Garudasana, or Eagle Pose, to strengthen legs and ankles and ground into the earth
- Virasana, or Hero Pose, to relieve backache, improve circulation in your legs & feet

Aquarius (Jan 21- Feb 19)
Governs the Ankles (circulatory system)
Aquarius (air) overseas the ankles, veins, and the circulatory system. Aquarius are often very spiritual and intuitive, so it’s important to use yoga to stimulate the thyroid and pituitary glands, where the third eye lives. Aquarius is also the sun sign symbolizing the transition from old to new, past to future. Some yoga positions to help Aquarius include:
- Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, or Bridge Pose, to strengthen the back muscles and ease the ‘transition from old to new’
- Dhanurasana, or Bow Pose
- Salamba Sarvangasana, or Shoulder Stand, to stimulate pituitary gland/reverse gravity and blood flow to brain
- Viparita Karani, or Legs Up the Wall, helps stimulate the thyroid gland

Pisces (Feb 20- March 20)
Governs Feet (and Lymphatic System)
Pisces, a very emotional water element, governs the feet, lymphatic system, and liver. This sun sign is the last of the regeneration of the human spirit. Piscean energy is healing, compassionate and sensitive. Use these yoga positions to strengthen and stretch the feet, cultivating more stability and focus, and to open the heart so as to embrace the compassionate qualities of Pisces:
- Baddha Konasana, or Cobbler Pose
- Matsyasana, or Fish Pose
- Badhakonasana, or Bound Ankle Pose
- Ananda Balasana, or Happy Baby Pose